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* Notation setting to show forward slashes instead of backslashes in the path columns, in the caption line of the directory browser, in the Info Pane, and in the status bar, either always or only in data windows that represent a volume with a non-Microsoft file system.

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* Btrfs: Now includes multiple hardlinks of the same file in the volume snapshot also when they are in the same directory. The menu command to restore volume snapshot backups can still be found in the context menu of the evidence object in the Case Data window. If the checkbox for this (in Specialist | Refine Volume Snapshot) is fully checked instead of only half checked, an intermediate additional backup if made after the operations of step 1 (at the disk/partition level) have completed. Useful for example if you make some mistake in your manual review of files or if the volume snapshot gets corrupted somehow. * Option to make a backup of the volume snapshot automatically once refinement has completed, so that you can quickly return to this state if necessary instead of taking a new volume snapshot and refining it again. * Option to decode text in files from scratch in case previous decoding efforts were stored in the volume snapshot for re-use, but you wish to discard those, for example after enabling the special decoding option for spreadsheets.

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alternative e-mail preview) and greatly improved compatibility with some dark themes of Windows 11. * Improved some aspects of dark mode when Windows does not use a dark theme (e.g. The URL of the download directory for all recent versions can be retrieved by querying one's license status as always. A preview version of X-Ways Forensics 20.8 is now available.

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